Credit Cards

Establishing Credit for Beginners

If you have not been approved for a credit card, you should start with a secured credit card. You put down a cash deposit upfront, and that will be your credit limit. Use it like you would use a credit card, pay on time, on you will get your deposit in the end. This process...

How to Share with Roommates

When living with roommates there are often times things that are not clear about shopping and sharing. it is easy to share the utility bills but things get more complicated when it comes to items like food, bath products, cleaning supplies and more. it might be a good idea to have a conversation about it...

How to Save Money at Work

When life gets busy, finding time for food prep can be difficult. However, when coming to work without food you will find yourself ordering or buying it outside, and that will be more costly. If you are trying to save money, do your best to bring food to work with you, even if it means...

How to Limit Credit Card Spendings

If you feel that you spent too much money recently and that you shopped for unnecessary items, it is probably the case. Often times people shop for emotional reasons, and then suffer from regret and financial hardship. In order to prevent that from happening, be aware of what you already own and go through your...

The Best Holiday Shopping Tip

When it comes to holiday shopping, many delay it to the last minute. Some consumers think that all the best deals will begin just a day before the actual holiday, while others are just busy with school or work. However, leaving the shopping to the last minute will put you in so much stress that...

Four Signs of Credit Card Troubles

If your future is important to you, you should make an effort not to get into debt and to keep your credit score in good shape. If you see yourself in the four statements below, it may mean that you are on the way to trouble: You Avoid or Ignore Credit Card Statements You Charge...

Tips for Savvy Shoppers

Consumer reports share some guidelines about going shopping, and how to get when you need cheaper and faster. One of the things they put an emphasis on is reading sale ads carefully, as it is a pet peeve for many. Before making your way to the store, especially if it’s far and if you are...

How to Do Black Friday Right

Black Friday is one of the most anticipated days of the year, but there is a wrong and a right way of going about it. It does get a lot of hype, and it seems like everything is a great deal, but is it really? Don’t be fooled by the sale signs. Do your research...

Are You Ready for a Credit Card?

Credit Cards are everywhere, but they are definitely not for everyone. Or at least, they shouldn’t be. If you see yourself in the following statements, you should stay away for applying for a credit card for now: 1. If you lack self control in every field in life 2. If you are in a process...

Why You Shouldn’t Just Pay the Minimum

Credit card companies make it easy for shoppers to get into debt. Your are offered to pay a minimum payment each month, and it can be often times tempting. Yet, remember hat you have an interest rate, and it is usually around 10 to 30 percent. Don’t spend more than you have to if you...

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