Credit Cards

How to Deal With a Credit Limit

It may be nice to have a deep credit limit, but if you feel that it makes you overspend, you should reduce it. The way to go about it is to contact you credit provider and ask to reduce it. Furthermore, credit card issuers are not allowed to send you invitations to increase your credit...

How Can a Credit Counseling Agency Help You

Credit Counseling Agency can offer professional advice with a free initial session on topics with high importance to your life. One example is general budgeting session, where you will go over your financial life, including income, expenses and financial goals. Another example is housing counseling, where you will talk about managing the cost of housing...

Can You Buy a Car with a Credit Card?

When buying a vehicle, some prefer to use their credit card for the down payment or a portion of the sale, but there is a limit to how much you can pay. Many auto dealers put a limit on how much a buyer can put on a credit card from several reasons. First, because they...

How Your Card Can Help You Stay on Track

Finance experts say that you can use your credit card as a way to monitor your budget and spendings. This method will work well to those people who are certain that they are able to pay their bills in the end of the month, as you don’t want to get yourself into trouble by getting...

Why You Need a Credit Card

Some people are used to having a debit card and they don’t understand how important it is to have a credit card. First of all, a credit card that is used correctly and paid on time can help you build credit. Without a good credit it can be difficult to obtain a loam, a mortgage,...

How to Choose the Best Credit Card for You

Howard Dvorkin, founder of Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based Consolidated Credit Counseling Services and author of “Credit Hell: How to Get Out of Debt,” says that when it comes to picking a credit card, “people have to sit down and think about what’s important to them.” There are some questions that shoppers can ask themselves regarding how...

Why Get a Store Credit Card

If you are considering getting a store credit card, don’t be tempted to sign up at the register just because you want to get a discount on your purchase. Take the time to check out the real benefits of the particular card and compare it to your existing credit card. There are stores that offer...

How to Cut Down in Credit Card Spendings

If you are trying to cut down on your credit card spendings, planning in advance will help you a ton. Some examples when timing matters are birthday gifts and birthday parties. When you plan for those ahead of time you can get good prices on what you need, go to the better priced stores or...

How to Properly Shop for Food

Shoppers report that going to the grocery store has a major affect on their wallet. In fact, if you go food shopping on an empty stomach, you may end up getting lots of items that are not necessary and spending more money that you planned. Do your best to meal plan for the week, or...

Traveling with Credit Cards

When going on a trip abroad, Visa and Mastercard are usially excepted worldwide. American Express is also a good choice, but they are a bit less popular. However, it is good to take few cards with you in case your card gets declined. Having a back up will help you feel confident and enjoy your...

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