Credit Cards

The Best Credit Cards for College Students

Using a credit card responsibly can be a great way to establish a positive credit history. Starting to think about your credit while in college will pay off down the road when you want to make a major purchase like a home, so check out these credit cards that are perfect for college students. Image...

Four Smart Ways to Use a Credit Card

There are many financial dangers when it comes to using credit cards – and specifically acquiring credit card debt – but it can actually be good to have a credit card. When you’re smart about how you use this financial tool, it can be advantageous to your life and finances. Check out four smart ways...

The Sneaky Truth Behind Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers

If you receive pre-approved credit card offers in the mail, you may be wondering where they come from. Keep in mind that receiving a preapproved credit card offer does not impact your credit score. So you’re safe there. But, accepting the offer will negatively affect your credit. So why you may be under the impression...

Don’t Get Rid of Credit Card Debt in This Way

If you’re swimming in a sea of credit card debt, you may feel desperate to get out of it by any means necessary. You’re going to get tons of ideas on how to escape. But, not all of them are going to be the best idea. One common way people try to get out of...

Why You Might Want a Credit Card Cosigner

If you’re looking to get a credit card, but are being told you need a co-signer, there are other options. One of the best being, you can become an authorized user on someone else’s existing account. You will have all the same benefits as having your own card, but the primary person on the account...

How Your Credit Cards Will Improve Your Finances

This might seem counterintuitive, but here’s why it’s true. Lenders look for evidence that you pay your debts, so establishing a long, positive credit history will actually contribute to higher credit scores over time. The older a credit card account is, the more positively it will affect your credit score – so long as your...

Improving Your Personal Finances Through Credit Cards

It may sound a bit obvious, but credit cards can help you build up your personal finances. Here’s how: They can function as your emergency fund. Financial experts are always saying you should save three to six months of your expenses in an emergency fund, recent polls show that many Americans simply aren’t able to...

What to Do If You Miss Credit Card Payments

One of the things you want to do to improve your credit score is to make sure that you pay off your bill on time and don’t miss any monthly payments. However, what happens if you do miss one? Late fees: You’ll need to pay some sort of late fee. APR penalty: Late payments cause...

Figuring Out How to Use Your Credit Card

If you want to get a first credit card, you’ll want to make sure you keep in mind some tips for keeping your credit score low. You can do this by making sure you pay off your balance each month when possible and you don’t skip any monthly payments. Also, use your credit score to...

Pro Tip: Pay More Than the Minimum Payment

If you’re looking at a credit card bill, you’ll notice that there’s always a minimum payment recommended. That’s right. It’s not the amount that you need to pay–it’s just a recommendation of what you should at least pay (you can’t pay less than that amount, essentially). If you have the means to do so, pay...

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